Log Workouts
Track your workouts in an easy and intuitive way using MyGains.
Intuitive set tracking
Duration tracking
Automatic rest time
Add exercise notes
See what you did last time

Progress in a Graph
See your progress in the form of a graph. Graphs can show Volume, Weight, Reps and calculated Estimated 1 Rep Max.
Estimated 1 Rep Max

Lifetime Statistics
MyGains keeps track of lifetime workout statistics like weight sets reps duration and more.
Total Workouts
Total Weight
Total Sets
Total Reps
Total Duration

Workout Calendar
See your workouts in a calender and easily filter through your training split.
Complete workout history
Stay consistent
Filter your split
Quickly view past workouts

Gym Trophies
Stay motivated by unlocking gym trophies for pr's, lifetime stats or consistently working out. Can you collect them all?
114 trophies to unlock
PR trophies
Lifetime statistic trophies
Consistency trophies
Way more...